Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020
career counselling career guidanceCareer counselling should be done by expert career counsellors because they give you the best direction for your career so that you can achieve your dreams easily. for more information contact Imfs.
An expert career counselor is trained systematically to know the real interest and skills of the person not only by talking but collecting data by various aptitude tests and skills and capacity of the customer. Not only this he studies all factors which play a vital part in career selection. He is updated with all available options in career and ways to enter in that career.
Career counselor helps you to find the right path of career . Counselor helps you to discover your strengths, qualities,skills in you . Good counselor makes many people life on the right and fruitful path.
Choosing the right path to earn a living is one of the foremost important decision we make in our life. The quality of this decision by far defines our life as a whole, cause if you are happy working, you are growing, and growth denotes more prosperity. Also on the other hand the happier you are at work the more content you are adding happiness in your personal lives too!
In simple words your professional and personal lives are interlinked and define your entire life. This being such an important decision, a perfect mentoring becomes indispensable. Only an adequately qualified expert would be able to guide right assessing multiple dimensions to establish a convergence and zero down on the perfect career path!
With an infinite array of career options available and each personality being so unique, an expert who understands both the science and the art of establishing a right career path becomes the quintessence!
Ther question that each one of us faces after important milestones in education is What next after class 10th, class 12th and even after Graduation.
Career Counselling is a common and popular term in today’s world. Career Counselling means guiding a person to make the right decision in choosing a career. Also, it is a professional term. It is based on the judgement and analysis of a few factors. These are a person’s personality, behaviour, and interests. So, a qualified career counsellor first studies a person thoroughly. Then he or she suggests the best options for him or her. Besides, there might be some psychometric tests involved. These tests help a career counsellor to understand the person’s personality.
You need an expert to understand all the above important points. So we all should go take our career counselling to get the best out of it. It is like when we get ill, we visit the doctor for advice same way career decision are to be taken with thorough understanding.