Why career counselling should be done by expert career counsellors?

Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020

career counselling career guidance

46 Answers

Parimal | ...

17th of June 2021 | 2 Likes


It it very important to know ourself well. In my career I have constantly try to figure out what do I want to do and what is suitable for me. Since secondary school time I have started to think hard on what I want to be in the future.

During University time I did a lot of reading and test to understand myself more. I wanted to be an entrepreneur. However I don’t know where to start and what industry I should go into. I have tried to start some small business in university time and I learned that passion is very important.

Knowing yourself and your passion by your self is a lengthy process. Either you learn by your experience, or learn by other experience in short time.

Believe me that is very time consuming. It is very important to know your suitable path, with help of some experienced person who have seen that journey. Who have actaully worked in compnaies. Selection any stream, career or path and then look out for Career Change, Transition, dropouots are Really painful.

By paying a little amout so called career Counselling fees, you actually a get an exposure of their rich experience of Career Counselor. Is it not amazing.

You can actually shorten your journey, speedup your tacks, Clean up your doubts just becuase some one has seen it byself and many other. So there is no doubts  you should go for a Career Counselling who is expert and should not think much about. 

Now The Major Question is When : I always suggest my clients to go for Career Counselling in last querter of 9th Standard or 1st Quester of 10th Standard. Why ? There is a Reason behing it. If you discover some of the option where you need to prepare for exams, be ready mentally, and financially, then you have time.

Shantilal Parmar

29th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


Each and every human being a god s gift to this world. This is the broad world with immense scope and opportunties to live a better and worthy life. Each one has different skills, abilities and knowlege to live a life with specific nterests. A student doesn t have enough and analytical knowledge of the world and so he/she needs proper guidance to select the right path to fulfill dreams. An expereinced career counselor has all the expertises to identify, analyse and match the proper career options for the candidate. He will also describe in details what are the right (fruitful) options and what are the wrong paths. An expert also will make follow up with parents and student in supporting the post-counselling guidance. 

Only a career caounselor can help the candidate to choose a right path matching to his/her abilities, personality and interests.

In today’s world, there is no dearth of data and information, but to have the in-depth knowledge in a particular field takes a lot of effort and time in understanding the information and data available. To be able to guide a student in the right field based on his/her interests and credentials requires the correct knowledge. That’s what an expert career counsellor does, specialises in the field, understands the requirements of the student and guides him/her in the correct career path. So it is essential that career counselling is handled by experts in the field. 

Shantilal Parmar | MSW...

16th of November 2020 | 2 Likes


An expert career counsellor has ability to identify, analyse and select top most suitability options for the candidate. He haa vast area of experience to counsel the students and parents to select right career path, intitute and study methods.


10th of June 2021 | 2 Likes


Career, is the lifetime endeavor to an individual. Once he/she chooses an option during his/her career path, there is no u-turn or un-do button to restart. Hence taking right step at each and every stages of career becomes very important, if it is supported by an expert counsellor, it defenetly brings down future regrets. An expert counsellor is one who understands the several personality and skill abilitiy parameters of an individual and at the same time they can clearly define clearly the required traits of each career options. They can help the candidate to identify inborn traits and acquired skills and abilities and to choose only those careers which better suits and take an informed decision. They can direct the candidates to move on the right career path and reach to the aspired career that can give them life satisfaction.
